Topic: Primary School

Home Alone - A Parent's Guide

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Twelve. It’s a glorious age of independence and new opportunities. In Queensland, 12 is the age your child can legally be left home unsupervised, walk to the shops on their own or take the bike to the beach without their parents in tow.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, School Leavers, High School, Primary School

Balancing Extra-Curricular Activities

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Over-scheduled kids, exhausted parents, no family time? Feel like you're constantly trying to be in three places at once, chauffeuring children to clubs, training and rehearsals?

How much time should kids spend on extra-curricular activities? And how can families stay on top of it all?

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Primary School, Homework, Planning, Sport

10 Fun Card Games for Mental Maths

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Who’s for a quick game of cards?

Card games help reinforce maths strategies learnt at school  in a fun and informal way. They let children learn from experience, develop ‘mathematical fluency’ and improve memory and confidence.

Here are 10 great games to play with your children to sharpen up their primary maths skills ...

Topics: Primary School, Prep, Numeracy

How to Tell Relatives, Babysitters, Teachers and Even Your Spouse Your Screen Time Rules

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You wouldn't send your kid to a sleepover without telling the parents about your kid's allergies or bedtime bugaboos. Why not use the same logic with screen time rules?

We know it's hard to do. It can feel like you're being judgmental or don't trust the other person to take good care of your child. But if you have strong preferences about what and when your child consumes media, you need to speak up even when you're not around to supervise.

Topics: Parenting, High School, Internet, Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Why You Shouldn't Skip the Parent Teacher Interview

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So your child’s doing just fine at school: No problems with grades or homework, seems happy with their friends, no complaints from any of the teaching staff. Do you really need to attend that parent teacher meeting?

Or maybe your child hates school, is always in trouble and you just can’t face seeing their teacher to hear all about it … Again!

Topics: Parenting, Teachers, High School, Primary School, Anxiety

Help Angry Boys Manage Their Emotions

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Increasingly, boys are becoming angry, aggressive and violent. News reports of young men committing acts of violence against each other in the streets is an increasing occurrence. More and more, acts of physical aggression and violence are played out in schoolyards across the country and they involve boys on most occasions.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Boys

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