Topic: Numeracy

Why Your Child Should Play Chess

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Chess is often considered a game suited only to intellectually gifted people.  People assume that to play chess you must already have a rather high level of intelligence or at least be ‘a little bit smart’. While chess may be more instantly appealing to those whose minds already think in a strategic ‘chess-like' manner, research is showing that this increasingly popular game has significant benefits for everyone.

Topics: High School, Primary School, Prep, Numeracy

10 Fun Card Games for Mental Maths

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Who’s for a quick game of cards?

Card games help reinforce maths strategies learnt at school  in a fun and informal way. They let children learn from experience, develop ‘mathematical fluency’ and improve memory and confidence.

Here are 10 great games to play with your children to sharpen up their primary maths skills ...

Topics: Primary School, Prep, Numeracy

3 Addition Strategies for Mini Mathematicians

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In preschool and Prep, young children will typically tackle the equation 4+5  by counting out a pile of four counters and another pile of five counters and then adding them all together. In the absence of counters they will use their fingers. 

Topics: Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Numeracy

Share, Spend, Save - Financial Planning for Preschoolers

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Each week our children get three randomly chosen coins for doing a set list of chores around the house. 

Topics: Parenting, Preschool, Toddlers, Numeracy

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