Topic: Primary School

Helicopter, Lawn-mower, Contractor and Other Parenting Fails

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What's your parenting style? Do you hover, push, coerce, outsource, micro-manage, motivate, let go or just hope for the best?

Topics: Parenting, High School, Primary School

The Rise of Project Based Learning (PBL)

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Ask most parents about their experience of school and the stories are often quite similar: Their teacher would talk and write on the board; students would listen and take down notes. You’d do exercises from a textbook, take tests, get grades… rinse and repeat.

Topics: High School, Internet, Primary School, Technology, Project Based Learning

3 Addition Strategies for Mini Mathematicians

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In preschool and Prep, young children will typically tackle the equation 4+5  by counting out a pile of four counters and another pile of five counters and then adding them all together. In the absence of counters they will use their fingers. 

Topics: Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Numeracy

Teaching Kids to Ask for What They Want

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Much behaviour that annoys parents stems from children’s inability to ask for what they want.

Most parents have experienced a young child yelling, “Mum, he took my toy. It’s not fair!” Perhaps you’ve experienced a child who whines like a dripping tap because they want something from you.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Social Skills, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Help Your Child Develop Impulse Control

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How many of you have been in a situation where, after being on a diet for a few days, a colleague comes to work selling chocolates for a fundraiser? Do you give in and buy a chocolate? It’s for a good cause after all. Or do you resist?

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Prep

'b' and 'd' - Stop the confusion! (Lower Primary)

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When children learn to read and write, they often muddle up similar-looking letters (and numbers). The most common offenders are:

•   v and  u;
•   u and  n;
•   p and  q;
•   1 and  7;
•   2 and  5.

Topics: Literacy, Primary School, Preschool, Prep

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