Education and parenting articles from the King's team

The Parent Teacher Interview

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Dear Teacher,

I’d love to come to parent teacher interviews, really I would, but I need you to know that I’m scared.I’m unsure of what I’ll hear. I don’t know much about school and I don’t know the right questions to ask. Frankly, I struggle to pack a healthy lunchbox and get through the morning routine without the usual fights about makeup and tidying her room, so I don’t think I’d have any idea what to say about my child’s schoolwork!

Topics: Parenting, Teachers

How to Keep Friends on Facebook

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I’m a people person.

I have manners (most of the time) and I love my friendships (all the time).  But, there’s also this great new thing that has occasionally threatened to ruin some of my friendships…it’s called Facebook.

Topics: Internet, Social Media

The Land of Nod - Is Your Child Getting Enough Sleep?

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I have a general weakness for all things pink, vintage and nostalgic.  So when all these features appeared before my very eyes recently, in one adorable little package, a 1950’s vintage Noddy clock became mine. 

Actually, I justified the purchase on the grounds that it had clear numbers on the face and that it would be an excellent teaching tool for helping our six year old to learn to tell the time.

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Sleep, Prep

How to Get Your Child to Eat Vegetables

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I’m sure many would say that I got it lucky.  I have a child who eats vegetables.  Actually, not just eats them but asks for them!

Many times I have been asked the question ‘how do you get your child to eat vegetables?', a  question quickly followed by the ‘you’re so lucky you got one like that’ statement.

Topics: Parenting, Food, Health

What's for Dinner?

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The three most dreaded words at the end of a long and busy day – "What’s for dinner"?

In our house, the answer is ‘go look on the fridge’.  Not in the fridge, but on the fridge.  Why on the fridge?  Because if you want to know what we are eating for dinner, it will be written on the weekly meal planner that is stuck on the fridge door.

Topics: Parenting, Food, Planning

The Power of Encouragement

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I was moved to tears today by a lady at the shops.

My children love the games shop at our local shopping center as it has a train set permanently set up down the back. The children begged me for a small play there and I acquiesced on the condition that they come as soon as I ask them too. They promised they would.

Topics: Parenting, Community

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