Topic: Primary School

How Much Pocket Money Should I Give My Child?

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I started giving my eldest child pocket money each week when he was in Year 1.  He was learning about coins and notes in school  and I thought it would be a good time to give him some of the real thing to practice with. I decided on an (arbitrary) amount of $2, which I made up in coins of one dollar, 50 cents, 20 cents, two 10 cents and two 5 cents to give him plenty of denominations to play with.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Primary School

What to Do When Your Child Says They're Bullied

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My (primary aged) children frequently claim they're 'bullied' - even by each other:

"He's bullying me, he won't let me use the bathroom."

"I got bullied by some Year 5 girls today - they told me I wasn't allowed to play on the monkey bars."

"Cooper was so rough - he's such a bully!"

Topics: Parenting, Behaviour, Primary School, Preschool, Bullying

Why I'm Buying Ride Passes for Carnival Day

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When my child was in Prep, we bought him a ride pass for the school carnival.  Sure, it was a little on the pricey side but we felt it was good value, given the amount of rides he would enjoy.

Big mistake!

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Community

Should My Child Do Homework in the Holidays?

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Hurray!  It's the school holidays!  Time to play, rest and reconnect with friends and family.  An opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate. The chance to dream, explore and catch up on all those hobbies that demand more time.

After a term of school work and routine, students deserve a break ... as do their parents! But how do we prevent their academic skills from slipping and ensure they don't forget what they've learnt -

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, School Holidays, Primary School, Homework

Choosing Your Child's First Musical Instrument

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There are so many benefits to learning to play an instrument - it relieves stress, builds confidence, develops reasoning skills and more. But for parents who have never played an instrument themselves, deciding on a first instrument for their child can be a daunting experience.

Conversely, parents who are proficient at music often put their child on the same musical journey, starting their child on the instrument they first learnt to play.

Topics: High School, Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Performing Arts

Does Drama Belong on the School Curriculum?

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My cousin applied for a position as Head of Drama at a prestigious British private school.  During the interview, she was asked to define the primary role of drama in education.  Her answer?  "Therapy".  She got the job.

Many people see drama as a 'touchy, feely' subject that allows kids to express themselves, while having some laughs along the way.

Topics: High School, Primary School, Performing Arts

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