Topic: Primary School

All Stuck Up: Plastic-backing School Books 

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It's the mum's rite of passage I knew nothing about until my eldest started school: Plastic contacting the school books.

It came as a shock. I didn't even know this was a 'thing'. Yet, in the very first week (as I was still navigating school runs, lunchboxes and missing school hats), I was tasked with covering 15 exercise books in assorted sizes by the following Monday - with no instructions.

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Homework, Craft

Raising Resilient Children

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Around 14% of Australian 4-17 year olds and 20% of 15-19 year olds have mental health issues, according to Mindframe. The percentage of young people flagging mental health as a concern has doubled in the last six years.

Why are anxiety and depression so prevalent among our young people today and what can parents do to raise strong children, equipped to deal with the curveballs life throws at them?

Topics: Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Social Skills

I Hear You but I’m Not Listening

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"Did you hear what I just said? Go and sort your school bag out!"

"How many times have I asked you to do this?"

"Why didn't you hand your homework in to your teacher today?"

Topics: Parenting, Behaviour, Primary School, Preschool, Prep

What to Do if Your Child Is Bullied Online

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I was lucky.  I'd never been bullied ... until that time.  I was thirteen and it went on for nearly a year.  It wasn’t physical. It wasn’t aggressive. But it was repetitive and demeaning: a rumour contorted, embellished and thrown around the classroom with wild abandon by those who wanted to humiliate me. 

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Bullying

Preparing for School Camp

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Camps can be a time of fun and friendship-building.  Getting away from the classroom for a few days and trying your hand at new activities can be so enjoyable.  But not for everyone.  For many children, the fun of camp is overshadowed by concerns.  Whilst some student may bound off to camp with barely a backward glance, many children will need some extra help to see past their worries, to the fun that lies beyond.

Topics: Teens, High School, Primary School, Planning

Don't Be a Bystander to Bullying

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In last week's blog, What to Do When Your Child Says They're Bullied, we looked at ways parents could support and help their children when they claim to be victims of bullying. But often the problem extends way beyond the bullies themselves to the bystanders who aggravate the situation through collusion or inaction.

Topics: Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Bullying

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