Topic: Parenting

Do You Know What Your Kids Do Online?

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"Keep all digital devices out of the bedroom!"

"Be a parent, not a friend"

"Don't let your child do anything online that you wouldn't let them do offline"

These were the three key statements repeated by cyber safety expert, Susan McLean, at King's 'Growing Up Online' Cyber Safety Seminar on 4 October 2016.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Internet, Primary School, Technology, Social Media

Beyond the Toothbrush - 7 Tips To Save Your Children's Teeth

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Child tooth decay in Australia dropped dramatically after 1979 but has been rising steadily again since 2000.
The three main causes:

  • Expense of dental care – resulting in viewer visits to the dentist
  • Increased sugar intake in the average diet
  • Popularity of bottled water – we may have fluoride in our tap water but it’s of little use if it’s not being drunk

Topics: Parenting, Safety

Does Your 4-Year-Old Need a Private Tutor?

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The Brisbane Courier and Mail recently reported that Queensland children as young as four are receiving private tutoring to improve their literacy and numeracy skills, in advance of starting school.

On the Gold Coast, a number of private tutors are advertising ‘school readiness training’ for pre-schoolers, while the Readiness Academy (Robina) and Begin Bright (Burleigh, Sorrento and Tugan) offer small group ‘school readiness’ tuition to four to six year-olds: 45-60 minute lessons on the alphabet, counting, letter-sound recognition and fine motor skills (writing, cutting, drawing etc) for around $25 an hour.  Homework is also provided.

Topics: Parenting, Preschool, Prep

When Should I Stop Reading to My Child?

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You know how important it is to read to your child and you've diligently read bed time stories to your kids since they were tiny. But now they're reading The Chronicles of Narnia on their own, do you really need to keep reading to them? At what point do you draw the line and just let them get on with it?

Topics: Parenting, Literacy, High School, Primary School

How to Argue with a Teenager

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Ah, teenagers!

Loveable, happy, engaging kids one minute; snarling, moody whirlwinds the next. 

As your children move closer to adulthood, their hormones rage and their thought processes become more sophisticated, it is inevitable that conflict will arise in the home.  It goes with the territory of parenthood.

Short of growing a thick skin or hiding away for a few years till the worst is over, how do you survive these difficult years of teenage confrontation?

Topics: Parenting, Teens

Why Daddy Should Read the Bedtime Story

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“Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin …”

So began the famous BBC radio program, 'Listen With Mother', which broadcast stories read by women to children (and their mothers) from 1950 to 1982.

Reading to children has always been associated with mothers.  Think of any image in the media depicting 'story time' and chances are it will be of a mother snuggled up with one or two children and a huge book.

Topics: Parenting, Literacy, Primary School, Preschool

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