Education and parenting articles from the King's team

Should I Make My Child Tidy Their Bedroom?

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“It’s my room. I like it that way!”.

Fed up of nagging and battles over messy bedrooms? Should parents take a step back and give kids autonomy over their own space? Or is this setting them up for disaster later in life?

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Boys

10 Fun Card Games for Mental Maths

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Who’s for a quick game of cards?

Card games help reinforce maths strategies learnt at school  in a fun and informal way. They let children learn from experience, develop ‘mathematical fluency’ and improve memory and confidence.

Here are 10 great games to play with your children to sharpen up their primary maths skills ...

Topics: Primary School, Prep, Numeracy

Why You Shouldn't Skip the Parent Teacher Interview

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So your child’s doing just fine at school: No problems with grades or homework, seems happy with their friends, no complaints from any of the teaching staff. Do you really need to attend that parent teacher meeting?

Or maybe your child hates school, is always in trouble and you just can’t face seeing their teacher to hear all about it … Again!

Topics: Parenting, Teachers, High School, Primary School, Anxiety

3 Addition Strategies for Mini Mathematicians

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In preschool and Prep, young children will typically tackle the equation 4+5  by counting out a pile of four counters and another pile of five counters and then adding them all together. In the absence of counters they will use their fingers. 

Topics: Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Numeracy

How to Help Your Child Transition to High School

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Whether your child is moving up from primary to secondary in the same school or starting a new school altogether, entering Year 7 can be both a fun and daunting experience: New teachers, subjects and friends; more independence and responsibility; a heavier workload - not to mention changing bodies and fluctuating hormones!

Topics: Parenting, High School, Homework, Sleep, Anxiety

'b' and 'd' - Stop the confusion! (Lower Primary)

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When children learn to read and write, they often muddle up similar-looking letters (and numbers). The most common offenders are:

•   v and  u;
•   u and  n;
•   p and  q;
•   1 and  7;
•   2 and  5.

Topics: Literacy, Primary School, Preschool, Prep

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