Education and parenting articles from the King's team

It's Raining, It's Boring ... What to Do on the Gold Coast When It Rains

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Updated: 14/02/2020

Kids. Rain. Gold Coast. Ideas?

Beautiful beaches, amazing weather, theme parks, promenades and playgrounds - the Gold Coast has it all.

And then it rains.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, School Holidays, Primary School, Preschool, Toddlers

Ten Top Tips for Students Starting High School

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So you’ve graduated Primary School? Things are about to get really exciting now you’re entering Year 7: New teachers, students, subjects, opportunities – maybe your own locker for the first time. Your workload will increase but your studies will get more interesting as you apply and build on the foundational skills you developed in Primary School.

Topics: Teens, High School, Homework

What Shall We Say About Santa?

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What's the protocol for parents who choose not to 'do Santa' with their kids? One mum highlights the pitfalls...

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When my brother was seven, the teacher called him a "nasty little liar" and made him sit outside the classroom all afternoon for telling Julie Ashbrook that Santa didn't exist.

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Christmas

My Best Work Experience Advice? Humility

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Early in my career, I was given two separate (and unsolicited) pieces of advice: The first was to learn the job of the person immediately above me if I wanted to progress fast. The second was to ‘perfect’ a spectacularly bad cup of tea or coffee if asked to make one for my superiors. 

Topics: School Leavers, High School, Social Skills

Home Alone - A Parent's Guide

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Twelve. It’s a glorious age of independence and new opportunities. In Queensland, 12 is the age your child can legally be left home unsupervised, walk to the shops on their own or take the bike to the beach without their parents in tow.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, School Leavers, High School, Primary School

Balancing Extra-Curricular Activities

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Over-scheduled kids, exhausted parents, no family time? Feel like you're constantly trying to be in three places at once, chauffeuring children to clubs, training and rehearsals?

How much time should kids spend on extra-curricular activities? And how can families stay on top of it all?

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Primary School, Homework, Planning, Sport

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