Topic: Social Skills

10 Signs You Are Raising A Spoilt Child

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We love our kids.  We want to provide for them, do our best for them and protect them. But sometimes our desire to make them happy and our dedication to looking after them can lead to ‘over-parenting’.  With the best intentions in the world, we can over-praise, over-indulge and over-protect our little darlings ... and risk raising self-centred, entitled dependents, unable to think for themselves.

Here are some red flags that indicate you might be raising a spoilt child:

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Social Skills, Preschool, Toddlers

Leadership Skills for Headstrong Tots

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Most of my friends have had the experience of consoling me after I have been dealing with my daughter’s strength. “The force is strong with this one” seems to be a blissful statement that doesn’t even begin to touch on her perception of her capabilities.

I was fighting it hard. But for all my efforts, trying to teach this tiny woman with an iron clad will that she would submit seemed to be useless. I am a fundamentalist. And there was a part of me that believed that ‘good parenting’ meant submissive children. Enter massive issue… daughter will not submit, she wants to lead.

Topics: Parenting, Behaviour, Social Skills, Preschool, Prep, Leadership, Toddlers

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