Topic: Primary School

How to Get On with the Teacher

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I nearly ran over one of my children the other day with the pram.  I was turning left, he was standing there, and low and behold, I ran over his toes…again. “How did that happen!?” I thought to myself and the answer was very obvious:  I didn’t tell him where I was going or what I was thinking. To him, an unreasonable person ran him over. To me, an unreasonable person got in the way.

Sometimes, the parent-teacher relationship is like this; without appropriate communication, one or both parties can get very confused about where they're both headed!

Topics: Parenting, Teachers, High School, Primary School

Cuddle Me ... but Take Your Arms Off

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I had the most intriguing conversation with my son at bedtime the other night. He's not one to be emotional or 'cuddly' but at bedtime he likes me to lie with and talk to him. The other night as I lay down next to him he said to me, "Cuddle me tight Mum, but don't use your hands".

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Turning Homework Into 'Study Time'

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“Have you done your homework?”  “I don’t have any!”

Does that sound familiar? Have you thought about changing the name from homework to something like study time? No homework from school? Excellent, how about you revise maths, English or spelling, or get ahead on that assignment? Still nothing?  Oh well, this is study time so some silent reading will be a good choice.

Topics: Teens, High School, Primary School, Homework

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