It seems like a blink of an eye since your little one was a helpless baby, needing everything done for them. Suddenly they're four years' old, starting school next year and you realise you're still dressing them, doing their teeth and clearing away their dinner plates. What gives?
Camps can be a time of fun and friendship-building. Getting away from the classroom for a few days and trying your hand at new activities can be so enjoyable. But not for everyone. For many children, the fun of camp is overshadowed by concerns. Whilst some student may bound off to camp with barely a backward glance, many children will need some extra help to see past their worries, to the fun that lies beyond.
Topics: Teens, High School, Primary School, Planning
In last week's blog, What to Do When Your Child Says They're Bullied, we looked at ways parents could support and help their children when they claim to be victims of bullying. But often the problem extends way beyond the bullies themselves to the bystanders who aggravate the situation through collusion or inaction.
Topics: Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Bullying
I started giving my eldest child pocket money each week when he was in Year 1. He was learning about coins and notes in school and I thought it would be a good time to give him some of the real thing to practice with. I decided on an (arbitrary) amount of $2, which I made up in coins of one dollar, 50 cents, 20 cents, two 10 cents and two 5 cents to give him plenty of denominations to play with.
Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Primary School
My (primary aged) children frequently claim they're 'bullied' - even by each other:
"He's bullying me, he won't let me use the bathroom."
"I got bullied by some Year 5 girls today - they told me I wasn't allowed to play on the monkey bars."
"Cooper was so rough - he's such a bully!"
Topics: Parenting, Behaviour, Primary School, Preschool, Bullying
When my child was in Prep, we bought him a ride pass for the school carnival. Sure, it was a little on the pricey side but we felt it was good value, given the amount of rides he would enjoy.
Big mistake!
Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Community