Education and parenting articles from the King's team

Teaching Kids Conversation Skills

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I’ve never been great at small talk. It is only when I can burrow beneath surface-level chit-chat level that I become truly engaged.

I am, however, considerably more advanced at the art of polite conversation than my children. My boys are either too direct (eg “My grandad’s losing his hair too”) or shy and monosyllabic, mumbling to their shoes when spoken to by someone unfamiliar.

Topics: Parenting, High School, Primary School, Social Skills, Preschool

Starting School and Separation Anxiety - a Parent's Guide

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Saying goodbye is never easy. Particularly on the first day of school. Excitement, apprehension, tears and clinginess are perfectly normal responses for the child beginning Prep. But no-one wants to leave their child sobbing and distressed with their new teacher.

Topics: Primary School, Prep, Anxiety

Bored? Try a New Board Game!

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So we're into our second week of #FunAtHome Easter holidays. How's it going for you? Have you dusted down the old board games and enjoyed a family game night or two? I've seen several discussions on social media about board games over the last few weeks - mostly parents asking for suggestions, as they realise they cannot face the monotony of Monopoly or another round of Snakes and Ladders. What games are fun to play in isolation with your nearest and dearest? What's new? What have we missed?

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Primary School, COVID-19

#caremongering in the Kindness Pandemic

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Among the daily news of bad behaviour – selfish stockpiling, ignorant racism and reckless irresponsibility – come stories of great kindness: Communities looking out for each other and new friendships flowering, albeit at an appropriate social distance. 

“Caremongering, not scaremongering,” is the rallying cry of Canadian volunteers and altruists as they band together to bring food and essentials to their country’s most vulnerable. 

Topics: Community, Mental Health, Friendship, COVID-19

The School Formal Dress on a Budget

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Is it too early in the year to talk school formal dresses? Apparently not. I was astonished to discover Year 11 parents discussing this topic back in October - nearly a whole year before their daughters would be walking the red carpet to their big event. The main cause of concern was cost and how much they needed to put aside. 

Topics: Teens, School Leavers, High School, Girls

Good Friends and Plenty of Sleep Help Keep Girls Happy

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Getting enough sleep and spending face-to-face time with friends are the best ways for teenage girls to guard against unhappiness and psychological ill-health, according to a recent UK government report

Topics: Teens, High School, Sleep, Anxiety, Girls, Mental Health, Friendship

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