Education and parenting articles from the King's team

Teaching Kids to Ask for What They Want

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Much behaviour that annoys parents stems from children’s inability to ask for what they want.

Most parents have experienced a young child yelling, “Mum, he took my toy. It’s not fair!” Perhaps you’ve experienced a child who whines like a dripping tap because they want something from you.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Social Skills, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Help Your Child Develop Impulse Control

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How many of you have been in a situation where, after being on a diet for a few days, a colleague comes to work selling chocolates for a fundraiser? Do you give in and buy a chocolate? It’s for a good cause after all. Or do you resist?

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Prep

'b' and 'd' - Stop the confusion! (Lower Primary)

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When children learn to read and write, they often muddle up similar-looking letters (and numbers). The most common offenders are:

•   v and  u;
•   u and  n;
•   p and  q;
•   1 and  7;
•   2 and  5.

Topics: Literacy, Primary School, Preschool, Prep

How to Give Your Child Effective Feedback

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Giving constructive criticism to our children - both positive and negative - is an important part of parenting. Empty, generic praise ("What a lovely picture, darling"), well-meant encouragement that does the opposite ("At least you didn't come last") and angry disappointment ("I expected you to do better than that!") do not give a child much indication of what they are doing wrong or right.

Topics: Parenting, High School, Primary School, Preschool, Prep

7 Tips for Fathering Success

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Fatherhood is life-changing. It’s a very personal journey that a man experiences when he takes on the responsibility of parenting his kids. It’s also a vital role, and it’s all too easy to neglect the positive impact a father can have on his children’s lives.

Topics: Parenting

Essential Life Skills to Teach Your Child Before They Leave Home

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We invest in our children's academic success, encourage their interests and support their emotional wellbeing ... but are we preparing them for the adult world by passing on basic life skills? Here's our list of vital skills all kids should master before leaving home:

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