Topic: Primary School

What to Do if Your Child's Worry Worries You

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Worry is a normal feeling that happens to all of us from time to time.  As an emotion, it is our natural response to real and anticipated or imagined situations.  We worry about something because we perceive it as a threat and worry causes us to focus on the issue or situation at hand. A little worry can in fact be good for us as it gears us towards taking precautionary measures such as checking the road before we cross or putting on our seatbelt when we get in a car.

Topics: Parenting, Teens, High School, Behaviour, Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Volunteering in Your Child's Class

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Yesterday, I helped four Year 1 boys research 'toys and games from the past'. Last week I got very competitive playing maths games with Year 4 students. Next week I will be doing some one-on-one work , listening to young children read. I have little friends all over Primary who wave to me and share stories of their weekends, and a sneaky insider's knowledge of day-to-day school life.

Topics: Parenting, Teachers, Primary School, Prep

How to Help Your Shy Child

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We have a shy child.  She is the product of two parents who were both chronically shy as children and who are also both on the far end of the introvert scale. (Not that being an introvert automatically means you are shy, nor does being an extrovert make you immune to being shy.)  But there she is, your fairly typical shy child, doing her best to make her way in the world. 

Topics: Parenting, Behaviour, Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Should I Be Concerned About My Child's Fine Motor Skills?

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The term ‘fine motor’ refers to the use of the small muscles of the body.  Any part of the body that uses small muscles, such as hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips, mouth and tongue, are covered by the term ‘fine motor’.

Topics: Primary School, Preschool, Prep, Toddlers

Does Helping With Homework Do More Harm Than Good?

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Ever felt stressed out by your children’s homework assignments? Do you feel a responsibility for the work your child hands in?

Research from the UK suggests that parents who help their children with their homework may be having a negative effect on their children’s grades.

Topics: Parenting, High School, Primary School, Homework

Things I Wish I'd Known About Prep ...

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When my eldest started school four years ago I was very excited, slightly anxious and often confused. Navigating school life was as much of a challenge for me as it was for my five-year-old, if not more so.  My youngest completed Prep last year. It was so much easier the second time round ... but there were still a few surprises (mostly positive ones).

For parents embarking on this adventure for the first time, here is some 'insider knowledge' of what to expect in this exciting year ...

Topics: Parenting, Primary School, Prep

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